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Student Services

 Department of Special Education and Student Services

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Denise McField
Director of Special Education and Student Services
Sylvia Baltazar
Administrative Assistant to the Director of Special Education and Student Services [email protected]
IMG 9189
TaMia West
Division Coordinator 
Bloom High School
Christina Gumm
Division Coordinator 
Bloom Trail High School


Student Services Overview

Welcome to Bloom Township High School District 206!

The goal of the Student Services Department is to support all students in realizing the District’s mission of attaining competency in all academic areas and the ability to apply these skills to real life endeavors and to empower individuals, personally and socially, to achieve their maximum potential for the constantly changing challenges of our global society.

We, in the Student Services Department, partner with families to provide educational and behavioral support tailored to students’ diverse learning needs through 504 Plans and Individualized Education Plans. BTHS District 206 identifies students for 504 Plans and Special Education as part of its Child Find mandate. 

BTHS District 206 offers a Continuum of Services for students with IEPs including support within general education classes, resource services, self-contained special education classes, Bloom Alternative High School, outplacement in the Speed S.E.J.A. #802 Cooperative or at a private placement, and home/hospital placement. Special Education services are provided for identified students until they turn 22 or through the school year following their 22nd birthday if their birthday occurs during the school year. District 206 has an in-district Transition Program at Bloom High School for students with developmental disabilities aged 18-22 years. 

In addition to class services, BTHS District 206 provides related services to meet the unique challenges of students with disabilities. These services include speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, social work and psychological services, audiology and hearing services, vision and orientation and mobility services, and assistive technology support.   A parent or guardian may request to view or receive a copy of his or her child’s related service logs at any time and the District will provide those logs within ten business days of the request. 

Students with 504 Plans are considered general education students but have an identified disability for which accommodations are necessary. 504 Plans are managed by each student’s guidance counselor and are reviewed yearly.

We hope that you find the resources on this page to be helpful and informative. We look forward to working with you to support the individual needs of your student. 


Special Education Resources

Section 504, Homebound, Medicaid, and Physical Restraint Notices

Student and Family Resources