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Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Dorith Johnson
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessments and Grants
[email protected]

Dr. Dorith Johnson previously served as a high school math teacher and a building and district administrator. Dr. Johnson most recently served as the Area Director with the Illinois Center for School Improvement for South Cook and a portion of Joliet. In this role, Dr. Johnson oversaw district and school improvement services for seventeen school districts.  She also served as a School Improvement Grant Reader for the Illinois State Board of Education. 

Bloom Township’s mission is to provide students with relevant educational experiences that assist in their attainment of competency in all academic areas and the ability to apply these skills to real life endeavors. This mission drives our educational program. Our curriculum development aligns with the Understanding by Design Framework. The Understanding by Design Framework helps focus curriculum and teaching on the development and deepening of student understanding and transfer of learning. We have received recognition from the College Board on our Pre-AP program which prepares our underclassmen for the rigor of AP courses. Follow the link to the story.  

Bloom Township Curriculum Guide 2024-25

Title IX Administrator Academy

State Assessment Dates 

Term Ending & Special Dates 


Ms. Nakia Matthews
Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessments and Grants
[email protected]




Dr. Cynthia Gonzalez
Director of College and Career Readiness
[email protected]



AP- List of AP Courses that we offer – AP Art, AP Art History, AP Biology, AP Calculus AB, AP Chemistry, AP Computer Science Principles, AP Economics, AP English Language and Composition, AP English Literature and Composition, AP Environmental Science, AP Human Geography, AP Physics, AP Spanish Language, AP Spanish Literature, AP Statistics, AP US History


District 206 Curriculum Blueprint



Pic. Tasha Gibson White. jpg
Dr. Tasha Gibson White
MTSS Director
[email protected]

SD 206 MTSS Introduction Video . – Click the link to watch video and view in full screen.


To reach the district mission, Bloom HSD 206 is implementing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), which is a proactive and preventative general education framework that supports ALL students. MTSS integrates data and instruction to maximize student achievement and support the social, emotional, and behavior needs of students through:

  • Screening
  • Progress Monitoring
  • Multi-Level Prevention System
  • Data-Based Decisions

Bloom HSD 206 will engage in a layered continuum of evidence-based practices applied to the classroom, school, and district, as well as leverage community partnerships to increase equitable outcomes for every student. To explore the SD206 MTSS Framework and how it supports all students, please browse our SD 206 MTSS webpage.

For questions regarding the district’s MTSS Framework, please contact Dr. Tasha Gibson White at [email protected].





Dr. Leonard
Dr. Ariana Leonard
Director of Language Acquisition
[email protected]
Seal of Biliteracy

EL/Bilingual Programs

The English Learner (EL) and Bilingual programs at Bloom Township High School District 206 are dedicated to ensuring that all students have access to a high quality education that promotes language development and academic achievement. Culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students offer a wide variety of attributes that enrich our classrooms. The goal for all of these students is to continue to foster their native language development, while at the same time learning academic content and the English language. This focus on biliteracy will ensure that our students are truly prepared for college, career and life as global citizens. 

Bloom Township High School District 206 offers two types of programs for EL/Bilingual students: Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI) and Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE). In all types of programs, students are entitled to 3 years of enrollment, but actual duration of services varies, depending on student performance on state mandated assessments. 

Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI)

This program offers English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction at all schools that house EL students. Buildings that offer TPI have ELs of various backgrounds, but do not have greater than 19 students of the same language. Generally, EL students receive English instruction through push-in support within the classroom environment. This program is currently offered at both Bloom and Bloom Trail High Schools.

Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE)

This program uses Spanish as the native language to instruct students who are learning English. The amount of native language instruction is determined based on each individual student’s English language proficiency. This program is offered in schools where there are 20 or more students of the same language group. This program is currently offered at Bloom High School.

Identifying English Learner (EL) Students

According to Illinois Administrative School Code, each district in the state is required to screen all new, enrolling students who have been determined to have a language other than English used in the home. Once an additional language has been indicated, the district is obligated to screen any school-aged students of that family with the state mandated screening instrument. The results of the screening instrument are used to determine English language level, and subsequently, eligibility for EL services and program placement.